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         These posters were created to accompany the short film "This Generation" (view in the video page) and depict the individual characters depicted throughout. through these posters I hoped to mimics, through the lack of white space, minimalistic color scheme, and fuzzed lines the feeling of helplessness and the overwhelming sadness that people who have committed or attempted suiside presumably experience, most often because of societal pressures. 


The gears play on the mechanization of life that causes, which causes people to feel like the don't belong or that their life isn't worth the space they take up. The poem depicted in each poster is by Abby Behrens.

Le Film noir 

Obviously not a film, this poster series promotes a short film that, like the genre "Film Noir " uses color (or lack there of) and shadows especially, in addition to shot composition, to accomplish a ciratan aesthetic, I hoped through using primarily one color

 I could capture the aesthetic of one individual. I perpetuated the characterization of each person through using, for example, the repetitive bars and reflected images in "bleu" to symbolize the tedious repetition of attempting to get a dance ruteen  perfect. The symmetry is ment to resemble a mirror that dancers look into

 to correct their mistakes as they practice and on a less literal platform, self reflection and criticism. Additionally, the neon sign text and shadow behind the rock star character In "Rouge" insinuate a hazy, nightlife essence that is associated with the the rocker esque persona. In "Jaune" the speckeld brush tool that I used mimics dust and dirt. in addition to the crack in the glasses this is symbolic of hardships that homeless people face and the connotation of dirty that surrounds the word homelessness in our culture. 

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